
iOS ドキュメント更新(2/16)

扱いが "Content Update" のものを紹介する。

iOS Developer Library
 First Version
 Content Update
 Minor Change
First Version は一つ前の投稿で紹介したので参照されたい。

NSURL Class Reference
Reorganized tasks section to better reflect common usage. Substantial edits and rewrites to clarify specific behaviors, particularly for methods and properties added in iOS 5.

Instruments Help
Added descriptions for APIs that support security-scoped bookmarks, used in apps that adopt App Sandbox.

Entitlement Key Reference: About Entitlements
Offers a complete list of help books for performing essential Instruments tasks.

Devices Organizer Help
Added descriptions for new entitlement keys added in Mac OS X v10.7.3.

CFURL Reference
Updated for Xcode 4.3.

CATransition Class Reference
Added descriptions for APIs that support security-scoped bookmarks, used in apps that adopt App Sandbox.

Archives Organizer Help
Updated the special considerations for the filter property to reflect the availability of Core Image in iOS 5.

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