
UICollectionViewLayout を使ったカレンダGUI


- Event Cell (UICollectionViewCell) – Represents your events.
- Day Column Header (UICollectionReusableView) – Contains the day text, top aligned.
- Time Row Header (UICollectionReusableView) – Contains the time text, left aligned.
- Day Column Header Background (UICollectionReusableView) – Background of the day column header.
- Time Row Header Background (UICollectionReusableView) – Background of the time row header.
- Current Time Indicator (UICollectionReusableView) – Displayed over the time row header, aligned at the current time.
- Current Time Horizontal Gridline (UICollectionReusableView) – Displayed under the cells, aligned to the current time.
- Horizontal Gridilne (UICollectionReusableView) – Displayed under the cells, aligns with its corresponding time row header.

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