
Mac OS X / iOS 用ライブラリ管理ツール - VendorKit

Mac OS X / iOS 用ライブラリ管理ツール。CocoaPodsと同等と思われる。

$ sudo gem install vendor


# Downloads the latest version of DKBenchmark from
# http://vendorkit.com
lib "DKBenchmark"

# Downloads version 0.5 of DKPredicateBuilder from
# http://vendorkit.com
lib "DKPredicateBuilder", '0.5'

# Include all the source files found in ~/Development/DKRest/Classes
# This is usefull when developing your own libraries
lib "DKRest", :path => "~/Development/DKRest", :require => "Classes"

# Checks out the git repo and includes all the files found in the
# AFNetworking folder in the repo. The require option is handy for
# repo's that haven't created vendor libraries and pushed them to
# VendorKit
lib "DKRest", :git => "git://github.com/gowalla/AFNetworking.git", :require => "AFNetworking"

# The Vendorfile allows you to specify targets to add your libraries to.
# By default, each library will be added to all targets, but if you have
# library that you only wanted to use in the "Integration Tests" target,
# you could do the following
target "Integration Tests" do
  lib "cedar", '0.2'

# These lines are an alternative syntax to the target specification above
lib "OCMock", :targets => [ "Integration Tests", "Specs" ]
lib "Kiwi", :target => "Specs"
$ vendor init
これで依存関係の登録が終わる。後は install コマンドを打つだけ。
$ vendor install
$ git add Vendors.lock


ライブラリ管理ツール CocoaPodsの紹介 | Cocoaの日々情報局

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